WRAP IT UP (#61)

  • DIMS: 5 3/4“ x 6 1/4”

  • PAGES: ~248 in 4 signatures

  • COVER: hand stitched collaged fabrics (w/ collab bits from @seesarastitch); soft cover w/ double-wrap tie

  • PAPER: different papers in each sig: standard graph, half-graph & weird waxy DayTimer pages, with tabs and everything

  • WHITESPACE: medium-high overall; some sections have a lot of my scribbles and drawings, most are blank or nearly so. Excellent for journaling or sketching (or journal/sketching ;))

  • NOTES: so many squares; painted and dyed flour sack cotton fabrics; half of a sweet little embroidered heart on the back; and that long tie to wrap it all up - gah!
    TLDR: This one’s exceptionally peculiar in several ways; recommend watching the flip-through video to get a good sense of it, if you’re thinking about giving it a good home.

Flip-through Video

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  • DIMS: 5 3/4“ x 6 1/4”

  • PAGES: ~248 in 4 signatures

  • COVER: hand stitched collaged fabrics (w/ collab bits from @seesarastitch); soft cover w/ double-wrap tie

  • PAPER: different papers in each sig: standard graph, half-graph & weird waxy DayTimer pages, with tabs and everything

  • WHITESPACE: medium-high overall; some sections have a lot of my scribbles and drawings, most are blank or nearly so. Excellent for journaling or sketching (or journal/sketching ;))

  • NOTES: so many squares; painted and dyed flour sack cotton fabrics; half of a sweet little embroidered heart on the back; and that long tie to wrap it all up - gah!
    TLDR: This one’s exceptionally peculiar in several ways; recommend watching the flip-through video to get a good sense of it, if you’re thinking about giving it a good home.

Flip-through Video

  • DIMS: 5 3/4“ x 6 1/4”

  • PAGES: ~248 in 4 signatures

  • COVER: hand stitched collaged fabrics (w/ collab bits from @seesarastitch); soft cover w/ double-wrap tie

  • PAPER: different papers in each sig: standard graph, half-graph & weird waxy DayTimer pages, with tabs and everything

  • WHITESPACE: medium-high overall; some sections have a lot of my scribbles and drawings, most are blank or nearly so. Excellent for journaling or sketching (or journal/sketching ;))

  • NOTES: so many squares; painted and dyed flour sack cotton fabrics; half of a sweet little embroidered heart on the back; and that long tie to wrap it all up - gah!
    TLDR: This one’s exceptionally peculiar in several ways; recommend watching the flip-through video to get a good sense of it, if you’re thinking about giving it a good home.

Flip-through Video